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Forrester FeedbackNow
Identify Trends and Disruptions
Our customer feedback system delivers the right information to the right person at the right time. Real-time data gives operational teams the necessary insights to solve issues quickly and our powerful analysis tools allow for a deeper understanding of customer feedback.
Regular Reports
Receive reports directly to your mailbox at selected frequency, filled with ready to use and relevant analysis.
Real-time Results
Follow your results in real-time from your mobile device, laptop, or control room, making it the most convenient solution for you.
Get alerted anywhere
With alerts dispatched via email, TXT message, or push notification, our solution will recognize any changes in customer satisfaction and alert appropriate team members to take immediate corrective action.
View results in-App or on the Web
View results in real-time, manage reports, run advanced analysis, and much more with our mobile application or web platform.
Integrated API
Integrate your data easily in your own data warehouse with our various APIs.
Team of experts
We encourage you to take advantage of our experience and let our team of service experts advise you and help to improve your own customers’ satisfaction.